And that’s the end of The Flowers of Time blogtour! Thank you so much to everyone who has hosted me, it’s been a pleasure and a privilege to visit. Here’s a recap of the topics and where you can find me:
- Sat 22 Feb: Queer Sci-Fi – talking writing
- Sun 23 Feb: My Fiction Nook – chatting about life, the universe and everything
- Mon 24 Feb: Love Bytes Reviews – Edie’s Journey to Srinagar
- Tue 25 Feb: Drops of Ink – Jones and her thoughts on Gender
- Wed 26 Feb: Joyfully Jay – The Green Book of Spells
- Thu 27 Feb: Stories That Make You Smile – The Lost in Time Magic System
- Fri 28 Feb: Mirrigold Mutterings and musings
- S at 29 Feb: Xtreme-Delusions – The Journey Over the Mountains
- Sun 01 Mar: Valerie Ullmer | Romance Author – Jones’ thoughts on her trip to England
- Mon 02 Mar: The Faerie Review
Plus! All these lovely people came and talked to me over the last few days on intersecting topics:

- Zaya Feli talked about about the importance of both physical and mental journeys in her books.
- Jeannelle d’Ferreira was here to talk about hero(in)es in breeches.
- Elizabeth Noble has written about the urban fantasy world of her upcoming release Scintilla.
- M. D. Stewart came to talk about the magic of her Fae-Shifter world . I also visited MD’s blog to talk about the Lost in Time series.
- Daniel Aegan talked about magic and time-travel.
- Sarah Remy/Alex Hall talked about writing gender diverse characters.
- Emily Carrington interviewed her non-binary character Ash, from Yew & Thorn, #3 in her upcoming Hartwood series.
It’s been a lot of fun and an immense privilege to host such a wonderful set of people and I’m so grateful that they took time out of their busy lives. Thank you!
PS. If you’d like to buy The Flowers of Time that would quite frankly make me extremely chuffed.