October’s Giveaway: Audiobooks

Right then. I’ve decided I’m doing a New Thing ™. Each month, I’m going to to a giveaway draw that runs for a whole month, with the winner selected on the 1st of the following month.

So this month, October 2020, I have copies of all three of the current Lost in Time audiobooks to give away, with either US or UK codes. To enter, go to the KingSumo sign-up page. You can just leave me your email address, or for more chances to win, share the post or follow me on insta or twitter–you know the drill. I won’t be using the email addresses for anything other than selecting the winner–the KingSumo thing does that for me–so if you want to be notified of future draws, please either keep an eye on my social media or join up to the newsletter or my Lester Towers facebook group.

You can hear a sample of the narration for each one here on my YouTube channel (which I would like admiring looks for, please, because honestly, although I used to work in cutting-edge IT, that was twenty-five years ago and I feel like I’m drowning these days). You can click through to buy-links from there if you don’t want to wait until November and see whether you’ve won!

Callum is currently working on Inheritance of Shadows and he is going to try to fit Taking Stock and The Hunted & the Hind in during the first part of 2021.

I know I keep banging on about it, but I am so pleased with the work of both narrators. They have caught the sense of both the stories and my characters perfectly and are really a joy to listen to.

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