rabbit redux

I had planned to spend today being all authorly and actually doing some writing. Instead I have spent most of my time finding my poor husband’s missing thirty five thousand Scrivener words that disappeared when our passive-aggressive house rabbit jumped on his keyboard. There’s a lesson there that all of us can all learn from, I think, including the rabbit. The rabbit is now sitting on the rug in front of the fire, glaring at OH, who is deliberately ignoring him, focusing very hard on his laptop and not lighting the fire.

I gave up actually trying to be creative around lunchtime and instead spent a couple of hours faffing with my Lost In Time Pinterest Board and sorting out some tweets to go out over the next few days to let people know the book is now available. I have also joined up on the new Queeromance Ink site, which looks like it could develop in to a really good resource. I am almost pathologically averse to selling myself and I’m pretty sure this is going to be the part of the author process that I find the most tortuous. I have my first review on Lost In Time on the UK Amazon page and although it’s a five star one, I still feel a bit like I’m standing naked in assembly in front of the whole school. In a bad way. Bad bad bad. Not good.

Anyway. Tomorrow the digital editions of the book are available for purchase and I suppose I’m going to have to learn to balance selling them/myself as well as writing. And keeping the rabbit under control.

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