Guest Post: K. L. Noone, Demons and Rock-stars!

Today K. L. Noone is here to talk about her new box set, A Demon in Love!

Hi there! A.L. Lester was kind enough to let me pop in and share some exciting news with you – so glad to be here, and thank you! (You’re most welcome and any time!)

K. L. Noone. A Demon in Love box set.

I’m K.L. Noone, and I write a lot of LGBTQ romance – often m/m, but occasionally f/f, or m/f with bi main characters, or even m/genderfluid fairy-person! My first-ever published novel, back in 2018, was A Demon for Midwinter, which went on to have a few (all right, eight – which is more than a few…) bonus stories and stories for side characters…and that’s the subject of today’s post, in fact!

Specifically, this month JMS Books has released the beautiful A Demon in Love box set, with all new cover art, and all the stories in one place – including the brand-new flash fiction short “A Demon’s Very Good Morning”! (You can buy that one separately if you already have the rest – no worries!)

When I wrote Demon, it was very much a love letter to…well, lots of things in my life: paranormal and urban fantasy, romance, queerness, hurt/comfort, pizza, Filipino desserts, and the history of rock-and-roll. It’s about famous-but-getting-older rock star Kris, and his manager-turned-eventual-boyfriend (and secret half-demon) Justin, and the two of them falling in love. It’s also about being lonely, and about not wanting to be lonely anymore, and about trying hard to be a good person, to be there for someone, to help when they’re in trouble.

It’s also got many many sneaky rock band and song references, especially if you happen to like seventies and eighties punk bands – but there’re others, too! (If you think you’ve caught them all, let me know…)

Since Demon first came out, I’ve written more in that universe – like the historical prequel, and the Justin & Kris wedding story, both of which’re included in the box set – and I’ve written other stories too, some high fantasy, some contemporary, some more paranormal, some longer and more complex and more personal in other ways. (Magician, for instance, which lived in my head for a decade!) But your first published novel is always special, I think – there’s a joy about it, a sense of sheer look what I made, I get to do this, this is real! delight, in that first cover art, first paperback, presence of your own book in your hands (or your computer screen; but you get the idea). So Justin and Kris will always be special for me, and I love that people are still finding them and loving them and their love story.

And now we’ve got this luscious new box set, with everything collected, so you can read them all start to finish – all the happy endings, all of Justin’s cheerful noisy family, all the quiet moments of Kris and Justin sitting together and learning how to touch, and of course all the music!

I’m so excited to share this new version (and the new final story, set on a sunny morning, at home together) with you – and thanks again to A.L. Lester for letting me drop by! I hope you enjoy A Demon in Love – I know I will.

Buy A Demon in Love

JMS BooksAmazon : Barnes & Noble

Meet K. L. Noone

K.L. Noone teaches college students about superheroes and Shakespeare by day, and writes romance – frequently paranormal or with fantasy elements, usually LGBTQ, and always with happy endings – when not grading papers or researching medieval outlaw life. She lives with the Awesome Husband and a large black cat named Merlyn, who demands treats on a regular basis.

Twitter : Instagram : Blog (I’ve utterly failed at actually updating the book list on here, but the blog gets updated!) : Facebook : Amazon author page : JMS Books author page

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