Two cover reveals from my writing buddies!

As some of you know, I write in the early mornings…early early early. And two of my Writing Buddies, Holly Day and Nell Iris both have cover reveals happening today!

Hop Hop Carrot Top by Holly Day
Hop Hop Carrot Top cover reveal by Holly Day

Twenty years ago, Flynn Thomas promised himself he’d never have to see his childhood bullies again, but it’s been months since his mother passed away. Someone has to clear out the house. Caspian Cook never forgot the red-haired boy his brother used to harass. He used to wonder if the freckles spread from his face to the rest of his body. But will he be able to make Flynn forget who his brother is?

Read more and see the cover!

They Met in the Library
The Met in the Library cover reveal image by Nell Iris

Adrian, librarian at a small community library loves his job and helping people. When a huge man walks in looking terrified, Adrian’s skills are tested. Manne’s dyslexic and past events have made him fear books. With Adrian’s help, the experience turns positive. Their chemistry is instant. But can someone who has trouble reading ever fit into the life of a man whose passion is the written word?

Read more and see the cover!

Holly Day :: Nell Iris

Fiona Glass: A bit of Mary Stewart magic…

Today we welcome Fiona Glass, to talk about our shared love of Mary Stewart and of course, her release!

Fiona Glass drinking tea!

When Ally first invited me on here I had the usual panic about what to write about. Then, during an online chat, we discovered a shared love of Mary Stewart’s books, and things started to fall into place.

For anyone who doesn’t know her, Stewart was a British writer specialising in romance in the mid twentieth century. She wrote three main types of novel: historicals, ‛holiday’ romances set in (then) exotic locations like Greece and the south of France, and quieter, darker, home-grown romances which often featured an element of fantasy or the supernatural.

I’ve loved her books, and particular those fantasy-tinged romances, most of my life and it was lovely to find someone who shared that interest. I can see shades of Stewart’s writing in Ally’s own books – the slightly old-fashioned romance, the strong hint of fantasy and even full-on magic – and I wondered if the same applied to me.

Well, with my latest book December Roses, the answer is almost certainly yes. This m/m paranormal romance involves Nat, a British soldier wounded in a Belfast bombing in the mid-1990s, who’s sent to a remote army rehab unit to recuperate. At first he’s lonely and depressed, but then he discovers a once-beautiful garden, and the enigmatic man who appears in it, and falls in love, only to question his own sanity when nothing seems to be what he thought it was.

Ms Stewart is sometimes dismissed as ‛fluffy’ but in my experience her books are anything but. Even the gentler home-grown romances are full of the darker corners of human nature: jealousy, greed, controlling guardians, family fallings-out, and even murder. In my own favourite, Thornyhold, there’s an unhappy childhood and hints of the temptation offered by dark magic. But there’s also hope, through the strength of love and the healing power of nature.

I’d like to think the same message appears in my books. My work is often described as ‛dark’ and December Roses has its share of murder, depression, and grief. However, those aspects are leavened by pages of wonder at Nat’s discovery of the garden, support from unexpected sources, and his growing attraction to the mysterious Richie. In the end, those bring him healing in ways he couldn’t begin to expect. And the book’s strongest message, I think, is the triumph of hope and second chances.

If you’d like to find out more about Nat, Richie and December Roses then pop along to my website where there’s a blurb, some quotes and an excerpt involving the garden. And thanks to Ally for letting me loose on here!

December Roses
Cover of December Roses by Fiona Glass

Recovering from a bombing in 1990s Belfast, British soldier Nat Brook is sent to remote army rehab unit Frogmorton Towers to recuperate. At first he’s lonely and depressed, but then he finds the remnants of a once-beautiful garden, meets the enigmatic Richie, and begins to fall in love.

Gradually, though, he realises there’s something odd about Frogmorton. He can rarely find the same place twice, and Richie proves every bit as elusive as the Chinese pagoda or the Scottish glen. Nat begins to question his own sanity, because if the garden is imaginary, what does that make the man he loves?

Faced with the shocking truth, Nat must decide whether to stay with the army – even though that means hiding his sexuality – or find acceptance elsewhere.

This poignant ghost story was originally published as ‘Roses in December’ by Torquere Press but has now been extensively rewritten and republished on Kindle and Kindle Unlimited.

Buy December Roses or find it in KU


The air smelt of good rich earth and green growing things, inviting him to linger and enjoy the last of the sun. Oddly, in a garden attached to a hospital, there were no seats. The only thing resembling a bench was the raised stone coping around the pool, so he limped over and lowered himself onto that. Stretching his leg, he shuffled around until he was comfortable and drew in a deep lungful of air. He felt drowsy suddenly, his eyes heavy and the beginnings of a headache tautening across his brow. Exhaustion from his earlier grief, perhaps, or just the warmth and the unaccustomed peace and quiet. It was hard to believe the house was no more than a few yards away, beyond the hedge of shrubs. Surely such a large and busy building would give its presence away. Doors opening and closing, voices and footsteps and trolleys wheeling about, the blare of a radio, the insistent ringing of a phone. But there was nothing. Only the steady trickle of falling water and an occasional buzzing fly…

            He hadn’t meant to doze off, especially in such a precarious place. Jolting awake a few minutes later he found he was slumping towards the water and only just managed to right himself. He wondered what had woken him. A sound, he thought. Something sharp enough to have broken into his dreams, but too quiet to have disturbed anything else. He listened but there was nothing, until… There! Faint but unmistakable—the scrunch of footsteps on the gravel path. So someone else had managed to find this place too. He wondered who. Someone who already knew it was here, or someone who’d stumbled on it, like him, by chance? A gardener, perhaps, or one of the other patients who’d slipped out for a fag. The scrape of a match and a sudden flare of flame bore out the latter theory. Twilight had crept in while he was asleep; he couldn’t tell if it was anyone he recognised. All he could see was the glow of the freshly-lighted cigarette, and less clearly, the lips of the person smoking it. A man’s lips, wide and slightly full, that turned up naturally at the corners into a permanent, impish smile. Tolkien’s elf, made flesh and blood after all.

Buy December Roses or find it in KU

Interview: T. M. Smith

TM Smith

This week, please welcome Tammy Smith to the blog!

Hi Tammy! To start with, why are you doing this interview?

I just released my Stories from the Sound series in an Amazon exclusive box set (Free with KU)!

What started you writing?

A love for reading Gay romance and watching movies and TV shows with gay characters.

Where do you write?

My desk which is in my bedroom. Writing has been a chore since this whole Covid, quarantine thing hit. So, maybe I need to be trying to write somewhere else.

What do you like to read?

I will read anything that draws in my attention, but I’m not found of historicals for the most part.

What are the three books you’d take to a desert island? Why would you choose them?

Wicked by Gregory Maguire. Assassin/Shifter series by Sandrine Gasq Dion. Lord of the Rings by Tolkien. Because they are all books that I’ve read multiple times and continue to read and enjoy.

Writing is an intrinsically solo occupation. Do you belong to any groups or associations, either online or in the ‘real’ world? How does that work for you?

I also have a day job so I socialize there. Other than groups on facebook within the writing community, no, not part of anything in the real world. I like having groups within the writing community to not only share, but to ask advice and such.

What do you like to do when you’re not writing?

I love spending time with family, watching or going to movies with my sister. We have 3 dogs and a cat in the house, my baby is Shiz Tsu named Max.

Tell me a little bit about your most recent release. What gave you the idea for it? How long did it take to write? What did you enjoy about writing it? What did you hate?

I haven’t had a technically new release since the beginning of the year, Covid is killing my creative flow. I have been re-releasing the Stories from the Sound series (formerly the All Cocks stories) and now have them available in a box set.

Stories from the Sound

Over 1200 pages of heat, angst and romance. Love, loss, friendship, family… everyone has a story. And for the men of All Cocks INC. life begins when the camera stops rolling.

All Cocks stories is a series of books set within the world of online gay porn. From straight ‘Gay for Pay’ models, to threesomes and so much more, you are welcome to join us at All Cocks INC for a series of stories about the men that work both in front of, and behind the camera.

The Amazon Exclusive Box set includes…
Book 1 – Gay for Pay
Book 2 – Fame and Fortune
Book 3 – How to Deal
Book 4 – Dare to Hope
Book 5 – Live for Love
Book 6 – Hide and Seek
Book 7 – Choices and Changes

Trigger warnings include… sexual assault (book 2) PTSD (book 4) HIV/AIDS (book 5)
These books are intended for mature readers.

Amazon US : Amazon UK : Amazon DE : Amazon AU : Amazon CA : Audible

About TM Smith

A military brat born and raised at Ft. Benning Georgia; TM Smith is an avid reader, reviewer and writer. A Texas transplant, she now calls DFW her home. Most days she can be found curled up with a good book, or ticking away on her next novel.

Smith is a single mom of three disturbingly outspoken and decidedly different kids, one of which is Autistic. Besides her writing, she is passionate about Autism advocacy and LGBT rights. Because, seriously people, Love is Love!

Amazon : ARe : Smashwords : Website : Facebook Author : Facebook All Cocks series : Twitter : GoodReads : Pinterest : Youtube

Interview: Ofelia Grand talks about 24 Dates

Ofelia has popped in to talk about her recent release, 24 Dates, and I’m so happy to have her here! Welcome, Ofelia!

24 Dates, Ofelia Grand

Thank you for letting me visit again, Ally!

A few days ago, 24 Dates, a contemporary Christmas M/M romance story, was released, and I thought I’d drop by to tell you a little about it. Victor and Jian have been a couple for some time now, but things didn’t turn out the way they’d planned.

A couple of years ago, they bought a house together, and by now they should be well into their HEA, but Victor hardly sees Jian awake anymore. He’s leaving for work early in the morning and falls asleep in front of the TV almost every evening.

Victor has more or less given up and is preparing for a lonely, depressing Christmas, but Jian has a plan. In 24 dates, he will win his man back—there is no other option. The first date is on December 1st and then he has one date planned every day up till the 24th.

Now, what qualifies as a date? The opinions about it might (and will) differ, but there will be lots of food, chilly outdoor activities, some craft dates, and jigsaws. Yes, a jigsaw puzzle.

Do you have any special Christmas (or other holiday) traditions in your family? When I grew up, the family (Mum) always got a jigsaw from some mysterious giver (Mum). It was somewhere between 3000 and 5000 pieces, and the days following Christmas, the dining table was occupied. She dug out desk lamps she kept hidden away during the rest of the year, and there were bowls of toffee and homemade knäck (hard toffee with chopped almonds). She’d sit up half the night, fitting pieces together.

So, no Christmas without a jigsaw, and one of Jian’s dates is to solve a 1000 pieces jigsaw in one day—a date and a challenge all in one!

Do you like jigsaws? I’ve created one for you here! (Ally: I LOVE Ofelia’s jigsaws, they’re so cool!) I feel like I should apologise. I solved it, but it took me 17 minutes and 27 seconds… and I created it and therefore knew the motif. I usually make one for my newsletter subscribers, but this was a little trickier than I normally do them. Can you beat 17 minutes and 27 seconds? I bet you can LOL


  • Tags: Contemporary, M/M Romance, Christmas, Established couple, interracial
  • Length: 38.000 words
  • Release date: December 2nd, 2020
  • Buy links : Publisher Buylink

Victor winked at him. He hoped it was a craft thing, but they’d done the candles, done the paint-by-numbers, so what else was there? He had to give Jian credit for creativity. He wasn’t sure he’d be able to come up with twenty-four dates without doing repeats.

Walking into the dining room—as Jian liked to call it—there was a jigsaw box on the table. “Jigsaw?”

“Yup, it’s a challenge. Can we finish it in one day?”

Victor stared at the box. “It’s a thousand pieces.” Was he insane?

“Yes, I read online that a thousand pieces puzzle takes somewhere between three and ten hours to solve.”

Victor pursed his lips. “As I recall, it took weeks when I was a kid.”

Jian frowned. “No, we’re finishing this today, because tomorrow we can’t have a puzzle on the table.”

“We can’t?”

“No. Where will we put all the food? Plus, some pieces could get lost if they’re lying around here tomorrow.” The look Jian gave him made him think there was more behind the statement than he let on.

“Okay. Roll up your sleeves, we’re having ourselves a puzzling day.”

Jian shook his head, but pulled out a chair and sat.

The motif was of a bookshelf filled with books and at least fifteen cats—more, since more and more became visible the longer Victor looked at it. “This is cute.”

“Yeah, I figured… you like cats, right?”

Victor glanced at him. “Sure.”

“No, not sure. I mean, you’re not allergic or anything?”

“To a picture of a cat? No.”

Jian grimaced. “You like dogs better.”

“It’s a puzzle, Jian. It looks like fun. And yeah, in real life, I like dogs better, but cats are adorable.”

“And dogs need walking.”

Victor laughed. “Sure.”

“A cat you can let out. You can install a cat flap, and it’ll mind its own business.”

Victor stared at him. “Are you thinking about getting a cat?” He would love a cat. Sure, he’d always deemed himself more of a dog person, but they couldn’t take care of a dog properly with how they were working. And now they had no idea how Jian would be working. Cats were adorable.

“No, I’m not.”

Victor shrugged. “Too bad. A cat would be fun. And remember last year when the mouse got in? I bet it wouldn’t happen if we had a cat.” He ripped open the plastic bag with the puzzle pieces and poured them out onto the table.

“This is a lot of pieces, Jian.” Victor frowned at the pile.

“A thousand would be my guess.”

“Idiot. Okay, let’s do the frame first.”

“What? No, I want to do the cats.”


When Victor Hill bought a house with his boyfriend, Jian Kouri it was a dream come true. But now, two years later, instead of living their happily ever after, they hardly see the other awake.

With Jian out the door before Victor gets up in the morning, and asleep on the couch nearly as soon as he walks in the door, the life Victor imagined couldn’t be further from reality. They don’t talk; they don’t touch, and Victor fears he and Jian have already drifted too far apart.

The holiday season is a time for hope, but when Victor comes home to find Jian with a plan to woo him for Christmas, is it too little, too late? The dates are great, and there are filled with Christmas fun to get Victor in the right spirit for the holiday, but are they enough for the two of them to fall in love again? Or is there just too much in their relationship that needs fixing?

About Ofelia Gränd:

Ofelia Gränd is Swedish, which often shines through in her stories. She likes to write about everyday people ending up in not-so-everyday situations, and hopefully also getting out of them. She writes romance, contemporary, paranormal, Sci-Fi and whatever else catches her fancy.

Her books are written for readers who want to take a break from their everyday life for an hour or two.

When Ofelia manages to tear herself from the screen and sneak away from her husband and children, she likes to take walks in the woods…if she’s lucky she finds her way back home again.

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Interview: Anne Barwell

Anne Barwell

Please welcome Anne Barwell to the blog today!

Thanks for hosting me today.  I’m in the process of republishing my backlist. Shadowboxing is the first of my WWII Echoes Series. It released on 8th November, and book 2 (Winter Duet) and 3 (Comes a Horseman) will follow in January and March. I’m excited to be re-leasing this series.

It’s lovely to have you! Now let’s plough into the questions…first, what started you writing?

I’ve been writing for as long as I can remember. In primary school I got impatient waiting for the next book in a series so a couple of friends and I wrote our version of it.  So I guess I was writing fanfic way before the event of the internet, or even computers as this was back in the 1970s.

When I got my first PC in 2000 and discovered the internet one of the first things I found was fanfiction, and thought, I could that. I have been doing that.  And after honing my skills doing that for several years, I moved onto original stories. I’d already written original characters, and AUs so it wasn’t that much of a jump.

Where do you write?

I have my dining room table set up as my office space.  Although I write on a laptop, it rarely moves from its spot there.

What do you like to read?

I read the same way I write, across several genres. If something looks interesting I’ll pick it up.  That can be quite dangerous as I work in a public library as my day job. I do have a leaning towards paranormal/fantasy, with a preference for psi powers and urban, and I love historicals, particularly those set in the early to mid 20th century and around the world wars.  If I read detective, it usually crosses genres. 95% of what I read these days would be MM, but I still have my favourites that aren’t.  I also read YA, graphic novels (huge Bat family fan) and the occasional children’s fiction series.

What are the three books you’d take to a desert island? Why would you choose them?

The Dark is Rising by Susan Cooper, one of my all time favourite books. I can’t shelve it without picking it up and re-reading passages from it.

Cross Stitch by Diana Gabaldon. I love the combination of characters, time travel, and historical. Reading this book was one of the things that pushed me into writing my own.

Badlands by Morgan Brice, which I still need to grab in paperback.  I love the mix of relationship and paranormal.

This question was a difficult one. So many good books and not enough time to read.

Writing is an intrinsically solo occupation. Do you belong to any groups or associations, either online or in the ‘real’ world? How does that work for you?

I love my online groups. The ones I belong to are very supportive, and provide a wonderful community. I wouldn’t have taken my first scary step into indie publishing without them.

Apart from the wider LGBTQ writing community, I need to give a shout out to the New Zealand Rainbow Romance group. I’ve had the privilege to meet many of them real life which has been great, and I consider them not only writing colleagues but friends.   I’m also a member of RWNZ.

A few months ago a couple of local writer friends and I set up a group on Slack where we check in daily and provide support and a sounding board. We also meet up on Zoom once a week with awesome accountability goals.

I also have a great alpha reader, and brilliant co-writers.

What do you like to do when you’re not writing?

I have a tortie cat called Kaylee. She’s nearly 16 years old and has mellowed a bit as she’s got older. Thankfully she’s stopped bringing home dog bones stolen from the neighbour’s dogs. It’s never a good sign when you’re chatting with the neighbours, she walks past, and they respond with “oh, that’s your cat.”

I play violin in a community orchestra, and still play piano when I have time. I was a music teacher for ten years, which is why a lot of my characters are musicians.

I’ve also been a member of a science fiction club for over twenty years. We meet once a month for a catch up, and in between that for movie watching etc.

I also have regular catch ups with friends for movie nights, and the occasional board game evenings.

Tell me a little bit about your most recent release. What gave you the idea for it? How long did it take to write? What did you enjoy about writing it? What did you hate?

Shadowboxing is the first in my WWII Echoes Rising series. I first started writing this book almost twenty years ago, and after releasing my first book, dusted it off and finished it, and the rest of the three book series. It originally published in 2012.

I’ve always loved stories set during WWII, and couldn’t find anything with gay protagonists, so decided to write what I wanted to read.  These guys, and this series, will always hold a special place in my heart. I enjoyed getting to know them as I wrote their story, and I learnt more about the time period than I wanted to know.  Although the research was somewhat daunting I enjoyed it, and it’s left me wanting to write more historicals. So I blame this for my WWI story, On Wings of Song, as well as my bunnies for a 1920s historical paranormal detective series, and eventually a 1950s detective (in which one of these guys will have a supporting role).

Shadowboxing: Echoes Rising Book 1

Complete their mission or lose everything.

Berlin, 1943

An encounter with an old friend leaves German physicist Dr Kristopher Lehrer with doubts about his work. But when he confronts his superior, everything goes horribly wrong. Suddenly Kristopher and Michel, a member of the Resistance, are on the run, hunted for treason and a murder they did not commit. If they’re caught, Kristopher’s knowledge could be used to build a terrible weapon that could win the war.

For the team sent by the Allies—led by Captain Bryant, Sergeant Lowe, and Dr Zhou—a simple mission escalates into a deadly game against the Gestapo, with Dr Lehrer as the ultimate prize. But in enemy territory, surviving and completing their mission will test their strengths and loyalties and prove more complex than they ever imagined.

Author’s note: This is the third edition of Shadowboxing. The first and second editions were released by another publishing house.  This story has been re-edited, and uses UK spelling to reflect its setting.

Buy Shadowboxing

About Anne

Anne Barwell lives in Wellington, New Zealand.  She shares her home with Kaylee: a cat with “tortitude” who is convinced that the house is run to suit her; this is an ongoing “discussion,” and to date, it appears as though Kaylee may be winning.

In 2008, Anne completed her conjoint BA in English Literature and Music/Bachelor of Teaching. She has worked as a music teacher, a primary school teacher, and now works in a library. She is a member of the Upper Hutt Science Fiction Club and plays violin for Hutt Valley Orchestra.

She is an avid reader across a wide range of genres and a watcher of far too many TV series and movies, although it can be argued that there is no such thing as “too many.” These, of course, are best enjoyed with a decent cup of tea and further the continuing argument that the concept of “spare time” is really just a myth. She also hosts and reviews for other authors, and writes monthly blog posts for Love Bytes.  She is the co-founder of the New Zealand Rainbow Romance writers, and a member of RWNZ.

Anne’s books have received honourable mentions five times, reached the finals four times—one of which was for best gay book—and been a runner up in the Rainbow Awards.  She has also been nominated three times in the Goodreads M/M Romance Reader’s Choice Awards—once for Best Fantasy, once for Best Historical, and once for All-Time Favourite M/M Author.

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