Who’s who in The Hunted and the Hind?

I’ve been putting these out over social media over the last few days…here they are gathered together for your reading pleasure!

Inadvertently tumbling through the border after Fenn, Sergeant Will Grant of the Metropolitan Police has spent three months in prison. When Fenn frees him, they step through the border to the Egyptian desert. It’s a two week trip back to England, with the possibility of pursuit. Will the journey give Fenn and Will time to resolve the feelings they have been dancing around since the day they met?

Isabelle Adler: An epilogue to In the Winter Woods

Let’s welcome Isabelle Adler here today, with an epilogue to her new release, In the Winter Woods! I’m so pleased to host this here, I loved the story and this was a perfect little afterthought.

In the Winter Woods

Cover: In the Winter Woods by Isabelle Adler

Declan Kensington isn’t really in the mood for Christmas. His latest mystery book sales are tanking, his finances are in a dismal state, and his spirits are anything but festive. Perhaps spending the holidays alone at his family lakeside cabin in the small village of Maplewood, Vermont, will provide him much-needed peace and quiet. Then he might finally get to work on a new book and (hopefully) jumpstart his stalling writing career.
When he starts receiving anonymous letters threatening him to leave, Declan realizes his solitary writer’s retreat isn’t at all what he bargained for. And if the threats aren’t enough, a killer strikes, casting Declan in the role of the most likely suspect. Now it’s up to him and the handsome local Public Safety Commissioner Curtis Monroe to find out the truth before Declan spends Christmas (and the rest of his life) in jail. But as dead bodies pile up and dark secrets are revealed beneath Maplewood’s picture-perfect facade, Declan’s heart may yet be in more danger than his life…

A 61,800 gay holiday romance.
Warnings for description of violence, physical injury, murders of secondary characters (off-page), deceased parents, dealing with grief

New Release: In the Winter Woods. Solving a real murser isn't as easy as writing one--especially when you're the prime suspect.

Epilogue – In the Winter Woods by Isabelle Adler

The floorboards creaked under someone else’s feet, and my eyes flew open.

Confused panic lanced through my sleep-addled mind but dissipated in the next instant. The fireplace had gone cold sometime during the night, but I was cozy and warm under the thick blankets and the quilted duvet I had found in the linen closet. Pale winter sun peeked into the bedroom through a gap in the curtains, promising the start of a lovely Christmas Day.

I rolled onto the side, wincing at the pang in my bandaged shoulder, and propped myself up on the pillows, watching Curtis cross the room with a breakfast tray.

“Morning, sleepy head,” Curtis said. He set the tray on the nightstand and reached across the bed to plant a quick kiss on my mouth.

“Ugh, morning breath,” I said when he withdrew.

“Mine or yours?”

“Mine. You actually smell delicious.”

Curtis must have risen much earlier, because despite him wearing only t-shirt and sweatpants, he smelled of freshly-brewed coffee and toast. His golden hair was tousled, and stubble roughened his cheeks.

He looked so perfectly homely that my heart swelled at the sight.

A stupid grin must have pulled at my lips, because he smiled back at me.


“Oh, God, yes, please.”

He handed me the mug he’d brought and watched me luxuriate in the first sip of my morning pick-up. It could have been my imagination, but for some reason the instant coffee tasted so much better today.

“Breakfast in bed? I must have done something right to deserve it,” I remarked, setting the half-empty mug on the tray.

Curtis chuckled, and the soft low sound seemed to reverberate through me, sending pleasant shivers down my spine.

“Oh, you’ve done plenty. But I don’t believe in earning affection. You either inspire it by being the way you are, or you don’t.”

“That’s way too deep for a Christmas morning.” I snatched a tiny pumpkin quiche—the leftovers from last night’s dinner—and barely suppressed a groan as the sharp movement sent zings of pain down my bandaged arm.

“How’s your shoulder?” Curtis asked. His brow furrowed. “I hope I didn’t jostle it too much last night.”

My cheeks warmed as I recalled everything that “jostling” had actually entailed. Granted, on account of my injury, we took things way slower than I would’ve liked, but even so, the night had been…magical. Not in that “fireworks going off, trumpets blaring, sparks of electricity flying, lust building into a frenzied crescendo” kind of way, but in a much quieter, simpler sense. It had been the magic of shared breath, of tentative touches, of secrets learned in the dark. A magic as new as a spring blossom and as old as the hills.

“I’m okay,” I said, swallowing the last bite of quiche and a sudden lump in my throat. “Actually, I’m better than okay.”

The mattress dipped as Curtis sat down on the bed. His fingers entwined with mine above the duvet, and I met his gaze, blue and serious.

“I’m better than okay, too.” His tone matched his expression, solemn and earnest, with a hint of passion simmering underneath.

“Then let’s have a better than okay Christmas,” I murmured, and pulled him into a kiss that tasted of coffee and promise.

About the Author

A voracious reader from the age of five, Isabelle Adler has always dreamed of one day putting her own stories into writing. She loves traveling, art, and science, and finds inspiration in all of these. Her favorite genres include sci-fi, fantasy, and historical adventure. She also firmly believes in the unlimited powers of imagination and caffeine.

Email : Twitter : Website : Goodreads : Amazon

Two cover reveals from my writing buddies!

As some of you know, I write in the early mornings…early early early. And two of my Writing Buddies, Holly Day and Nell Iris both have cover reveals happening today!

Hop Hop Carrot Top by Holly Day
Hop Hop Carrot Top cover reveal by Holly Day

Twenty years ago, Flynn Thomas promised himself he’d never have to see his childhood bullies again, but it’s been months since his mother passed away. Someone has to clear out the house. Caspian Cook never forgot the red-haired boy his brother used to harass. He used to wonder if the freckles spread from his face to the rest of his body. But will he be able to make Flynn forget who his brother is?

Read more and see the cover!

They Met in the Library
The Met in the Library cover reveal image by Nell Iris

Adrian, librarian at a small community library loves his job and helping people. When a huge man walks in looking terrified, Adrian’s skills are tested. Manne’s dyslexic and past events have made him fear books. With Adrian’s help, the experience turns positive. Their chemistry is instant. But can someone who has trouble reading ever fit into the life of a man whose passion is the written word?

Read more and see the cover!

Holly Day :: Nell Iris

Fiona Glass: A bit of Mary Stewart magic…

Today we welcome Fiona Glass, to talk about our shared love of Mary Stewart and of course, her release!

Fiona Glass drinking tea!

When Ally first invited me on here I had the usual panic about what to write about. Then, during an online chat, we discovered a shared love of Mary Stewart’s books, and things started to fall into place.

For anyone who doesn’t know her, Stewart was a British writer specialising in romance in the mid twentieth century. She wrote three main types of novel: historicals, ‛holiday’ romances set in (then) exotic locations like Greece and the south of France, and quieter, darker, home-grown romances which often featured an element of fantasy or the supernatural.

I’ve loved her books, and particular those fantasy-tinged romances, most of my life and it was lovely to find someone who shared that interest. I can see shades of Stewart’s writing in Ally’s own books – the slightly old-fashioned romance, the strong hint of fantasy and even full-on magic – and I wondered if the same applied to me.

Well, with my latest book December Roses, the answer is almost certainly yes. This m/m paranormal romance involves Nat, a British soldier wounded in a Belfast bombing in the mid-1990s, who’s sent to a remote army rehab unit to recuperate. At first he’s lonely and depressed, but then he discovers a once-beautiful garden, and the enigmatic man who appears in it, and falls in love, only to question his own sanity when nothing seems to be what he thought it was.

Ms Stewart is sometimes dismissed as ‛fluffy’ but in my experience her books are anything but. Even the gentler home-grown romances are full of the darker corners of human nature: jealousy, greed, controlling guardians, family fallings-out, and even murder. In my own favourite, Thornyhold, there’s an unhappy childhood and hints of the temptation offered by dark magic. But there’s also hope, through the strength of love and the healing power of nature.

I’d like to think the same message appears in my books. My work is often described as ‛dark’ and December Roses has its share of murder, depression, and grief. However, those aspects are leavened by pages of wonder at Nat’s discovery of the garden, support from unexpected sources, and his growing attraction to the mysterious Richie. In the end, those bring him healing in ways he couldn’t begin to expect. And the book’s strongest message, I think, is the triumph of hope and second chances.

If you’d like to find out more about Nat, Richie and December Roses then pop along to my website where there’s a blurb, some quotes and an excerpt involving the garden. And thanks to Ally for letting me loose on here!

December Roses
Cover of December Roses by Fiona Glass

Recovering from a bombing in 1990s Belfast, British soldier Nat Brook is sent to remote army rehab unit Frogmorton Towers to recuperate. At first he’s lonely and depressed, but then he finds the remnants of a once-beautiful garden, meets the enigmatic Richie, and begins to fall in love.

Gradually, though, he realises there’s something odd about Frogmorton. He can rarely find the same place twice, and Richie proves every bit as elusive as the Chinese pagoda or the Scottish glen. Nat begins to question his own sanity, because if the garden is imaginary, what does that make the man he loves?

Faced with the shocking truth, Nat must decide whether to stay with the army – even though that means hiding his sexuality – or find acceptance elsewhere.

This poignant ghost story was originally published as ‘Roses in December’ by Torquere Press but has now been extensively rewritten and republished on Kindle and Kindle Unlimited.

Buy December Roses or find it in KU


The air smelt of good rich earth and green growing things, inviting him to linger and enjoy the last of the sun. Oddly, in a garden attached to a hospital, there were no seats. The only thing resembling a bench was the raised stone coping around the pool, so he limped over and lowered himself onto that. Stretching his leg, he shuffled around until he was comfortable and drew in a deep lungful of air. He felt drowsy suddenly, his eyes heavy and the beginnings of a headache tautening across his brow. Exhaustion from his earlier grief, perhaps, or just the warmth and the unaccustomed peace and quiet. It was hard to believe the house was no more than a few yards away, beyond the hedge of shrubs. Surely such a large and busy building would give its presence away. Doors opening and closing, voices and footsteps and trolleys wheeling about, the blare of a radio, the insistent ringing of a phone. But there was nothing. Only the steady trickle of falling water and an occasional buzzing fly…

            He hadn’t meant to doze off, especially in such a precarious place. Jolting awake a few minutes later he found he was slumping towards the water and only just managed to right himself. He wondered what had woken him. A sound, he thought. Something sharp enough to have broken into his dreams, but too quiet to have disturbed anything else. He listened but there was nothing, until… There! Faint but unmistakable—the scrunch of footsteps on the gravel path. So someone else had managed to find this place too. He wondered who. Someone who already knew it was here, or someone who’d stumbled on it, like him, by chance? A gardener, perhaps, or one of the other patients who’d slipped out for a fag. The scrape of a match and a sudden flare of flame bore out the latter theory. Twilight had crept in while he was asleep; he couldn’t tell if it was anyone he recognised. All he could see was the glow of the freshly-lighted cigarette, and less clearly, the lips of the person smoking it. A man’s lips, wide and slightly full, that turned up naturally at the corners into a permanent, impish smile. Tolkien’s elf, made flesh and blood after all.

Buy December Roses or find it in KU

Interview: T. M. Smith

TM Smith

This week, please welcome Tammy Smith to the blog!

Hi Tammy! To start with, why are you doing this interview?

I just released my Stories from the Sound series in an Amazon exclusive box set (Free with KU)!

What started you writing?

A love for reading Gay romance and watching movies and TV shows with gay characters.

Where do you write?

My desk which is in my bedroom. Writing has been a chore since this whole Covid, quarantine thing hit. So, maybe I need to be trying to write somewhere else.

What do you like to read?

I will read anything that draws in my attention, but I’m not found of historicals for the most part.

What are the three books you’d take to a desert island? Why would you choose them?

Wicked by Gregory Maguire. Assassin/Shifter series by Sandrine Gasq Dion. Lord of the Rings by Tolkien. Because they are all books that I’ve read multiple times and continue to read and enjoy.

Writing is an intrinsically solo occupation. Do you belong to any groups or associations, either online or in the ‘real’ world? How does that work for you?

I also have a day job so I socialize there. Other than groups on facebook within the writing community, no, not part of anything in the real world. I like having groups within the writing community to not only share, but to ask advice and such.

What do you like to do when you’re not writing?

I love spending time with family, watching or going to movies with my sister. We have 3 dogs and a cat in the house, my baby is Shiz Tsu named Max.

Tell me a little bit about your most recent release. What gave you the idea for it? How long did it take to write? What did you enjoy about writing it? What did you hate?

I haven’t had a technically new release since the beginning of the year, Covid is killing my creative flow. I have been re-releasing the Stories from the Sound series (formerly the All Cocks stories) and now have them available in a box set.

Stories from the Sound

Over 1200 pages of heat, angst and romance. Love, loss, friendship, family… everyone has a story. And for the men of All Cocks INC. life begins when the camera stops rolling.

All Cocks stories is a series of books set within the world of online gay porn. From straight ‘Gay for Pay’ models, to threesomes and so much more, you are welcome to join us at All Cocks INC for a series of stories about the men that work both in front of, and behind the camera.

The Amazon Exclusive Box set includes…
Book 1 – Gay for Pay
Book 2 – Fame and Fortune
Book 3 – How to Deal
Book 4 – Dare to Hope
Book 5 – Live for Love
Book 6 – Hide and Seek
Book 7 – Choices and Changes

Trigger warnings include… sexual assault (book 2) PTSD (book 4) HIV/AIDS (book 5)
These books are intended for mature readers.

Amazon US : Amazon UK : Amazon DE : Amazon AU : Amazon CA : Audible

About TM Smith

A military brat born and raised at Ft. Benning Georgia; TM Smith is an avid reader, reviewer and writer. A Texas transplant, she now calls DFW her home. Most days she can be found curled up with a good book, or ticking away on her next novel.

Smith is a single mom of three disturbingly outspoken and decidedly different kids, one of which is Autistic. Besides her writing, she is passionate about Autism advocacy and LGBT rights. Because, seriously people, Love is Love!

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